I had so much fun helping out at the bookfair yesterday. Those kids are just so sweet. I have to say though, some moms are a lot nicer than me. :) The kids come in with $10 from mom and dad and proceed to buy erasers shaped like lunchables, pencils the size as my arms, and fuzzy pens. I (the mean mom that I am) expect my kids to buy books at the bookfair. :O Actually, I told the girls that I wasn't going to get them any books because I just ordered a bunch from the book order. Then I saw this:

Katie loves these Laurie Anderson books and she has been dying to read this one. Everytime we try to check it out of the library though, it has already checked out. Now tell me how can I NOT get her this book. Besides that Lauren got to come in and "shop" while I was there. Keep in mind she has no money she is just supposed to be looking around. EXCEPT her (very mean) mom is in there working. Have I mentioned I used to teach? Have I mentioned that I LOVE books? Have I mentioned that I had close to 1,000 books for my classroom library before I ever even had kids? Ummm.....yah....she got a book too.
I am sorry to say that I don't have any projects to share today. I have found a few minutes here and there to get some crafting in but I can't share quite yet. I can say that I got this month's Lime Tart kit! :) Yummy, yum, yum!!!! I will share a peek of my completed projects as soon as I get pictures but for now here is a peek at two of the three kits.
Al a Tart:

Half Tart:

Full Tart:

Are you ready?????? WCMD is only 2 days away!!!!!! I can share with you A FEW of the prizes I will be giving away along with other members of the Odd Bird Planet team.
I will be giving away some OBP stamps· Each of the blog challenge participants will also be entered into a grand prize drawing for the following:
*One winner will receive a $100 OBP shopping spree
*One winner will receive one Lime Tart kit
*One winner will receive all of the stamps in the October Special Deal
There will be other prizes also so make sure you check back tomorrow for more details. :) Have a great day!!!
I was that Mom too! Buy the books not the cheap junk! Loved working the book fairs and volunteering in the library.
My boys are now 17 and 19 and the thousands of $$ I spent on books and the time devoted to reading to them, taking them to the library etc has paid off. They both love to read, any topic! It's very gratifying as a parent.
Lime Tart knows how to put a kit together.
love your peeks, you mean mom, you! :P
I used to LOVE the bookfairs, would volunteer every year for them! The sneaks are just plain cruel.... but I can't wait to see what you come up with them :)
bookfairs can be dangerous! fun though :) Cool peeks from LT..I love the name of that kit!! Have fun this weekend.
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