Hi everyone!
Hope everyone is having a good Monday. I am looking forward to a bit of routine this week. I like routine (boring I know) but it's the honest truth. Spent Saturday laying on the couch. I felt absolutely terrible. I have a dear, sweet friend who deals with migraines and my heart goes out to her. I couldn't handle one day of an intense headache, I would be hopeless if I got them all the time. I am still coughing a bit but feeling so much better. Yesterday we spent in Noblesville (north of Indy) for a gymnastics meet. I am so proud of L. She has been battling with her bar routine for several months. It has never been her best apparatus but after we moved and she had problems with finding a gym she liked, it all seemed to fall apart. Skills that she used to have, she lost. So this season she has gone to the meets, but has not competed on the bars. So, yesterday was the big day. She finally did her bar routine at a meet. Yay!!! It was not her best score by far, but she did it. We went out to lunch to celebrate at their favorite restaurant. :)
Would have loved to meet up with friends while we were in the Indy area, but up until I got up yesterday morning at 5 (yes, it was a VERY early start), I wasn't sure if I was even going after the way I felt Saturday. We did take advantage of being in our old stomping ground and drove past our old house. Keep in mind this was two moves ago that we left the Indy area, so we wanted to see if anything had changed. It was fun to drive past certain places and reminisce. Definitely worth the extra 10 minutes of driving time each way.
I haven't kept up with my Project 356 real well, but I am taking a lot more pictures than I did last year at this time. Thought I would share a few of them with you today. (I know, I know, I am wayyyy late on posting some of these pictures!)
Christmas this year I helped the girls make drink coasters for grandparents, uncles and aunts. My sweet girls decided that now that they knew how to make them, they would make these for us for Valentine's Day. Aren't they sweet?
Speaking of sweet, look what my sweet hubby got me for Valentine's Day. What did I get him you ask??? NOTHING! He has told me every single year for ages that we should NOT get gifts for each other just a card. Can you believe him??? (Not too upset, a girl likes to be surprised once in a while!) :)

For Valentine's Day I got the girls an Extreme Home Makeovers video. They fell in love with the show last year and watch it whenever they have time for TV. They were very sad to hear that it was ending so I found a DVD of the first season on Amazon and got it for them. We have been recording the reruns so they can watch them too. Love that they love this show. They are such sentimental girls. Their main reason for being so sad that it was ending...not that they wouldn't get to watch it anymore, but because Ty and the group wouldn't be helping anymore people get a new home. :) :) :) Anyway, the other thing I found for them was these goofy mustache suckers from Justice. Now tell me, how could I pass them up??? LOL
We got snow two weeks ago and I got a chance to get a few pictures of the girls outside playing in the snow. (I told you I was late on these photos!) K having a snowball fight with her dad. :)
My sweet L. Someone asked me yesterday at the meet if she ever stopped smiling. Yes, she does but we are fortunate to have a two pretty happy girls.
Meet Angel, she was one of the snow women that got built during our time in the snow.
Sadly, the weather in Indiana has been quite warm this winter and Angel did not survive for more than a day or two. *sniff* LOL This image cracked me up. I just had to take a picture. Poor Angel has completely lost her head over the warm weather! ha!
Finally, if you are my mother, do not go beyond this point......
LOL, my sweet parents are NOT computer literate at all! There is little chance of her actually seeing this post so I think it is safe to post this here. I created this printer's tray for my assignment last week at
Emma's Paperie. Yup, more yummy Simple Stories product on here. I plan on giving it to my mom for her birthday. I just adore that picture of her and K in the upper right corner. *sigh* Makes my heart happy. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by today. You have been very patient to make it all the way through that whole post! LOL Have a wonderful week!!!