So glad to be home! I had an absolute blast in Anaheim at CHA and met so many amazing people. My roomies were the best and I am thrilled that I finally got a chance to meet Jess and Anabelle in person!
A new queen has been crowned. LOL Anabelle modeling a gorgeous tiara at the Prima booth.
A new queen has been crowned. LOL Anabelle modeling a gorgeous tiara at the Prima booth.

Showing some love for Jess at the show.

These two are the best! Don't know what I would do without Summer and Kimber! Love you girls!
Met lots of Paper Crafts women. You all are so wonderful.
As you may have noticed I have not posted any pictures of all the amazing projects and products from CHA. We took a ton a pictures and a lot of them have been added to the Emma's Paper blog. Make sure to check it out and see some of the great stuff we saw.
Now speaking of Emma's, Sherry Wright created a wonderful sketch for last week's challenge. You can find the sketch on the right hand side of the Emma's blog. Here is my interpretation of the sketch. Hope you like it and make sure to check out everyone elses projects on the blog.
Have a great week! Stay warm!