I am looking forward spending Saturday creating cards until my heart's content. Well, at least until the IU/Ohio game starts.
So the other day I shared that I spent Saturday scrapbooking with Kimber. I didn't mention what my sweet girls did. It started with K saying that if I got to go scrapbooking she was going to pack up her stuff and go scrapbooking too. She planned on heading out to the backyard. After I successfully convinced her that the backyard may not be the best place to scrapbook, she decided on the basement. Her plan expanded from there. Since I was going to get to scrapbook with a friend, she figured she should do the same. And this is how the scrapbooking party at our house came to be. At one point she and L had 10 little girls over scrapbooking with them while my sweet husband sat in the basement with them trying to watch the football game. From all accounts the party, which morphed into a game of squirt gun freeze tag outside, was a huge success. Wish I would have been here to get pictures. :)
I have been keeping busy this last week working on a fund raiser for the girls' school with my sweet friend, Amanda. The PTO decided that instead of raising money by selling wrapping paper and then turning half of the proceeds over to someone else, we would have a read-a-thon instead. Amanda and I are in charge of tracking the reading and weekly incentives for two schools. It has been a lot of fun but there is SO much to do. Another reason I am looking forward to Saturday! :)
Before I go, I thought I would share a card I made last week for our challenge over at the Card-a-licous Blog. Janelle challenged us to create a birthday card using the colors yellow, red and blue. Here is the card I came up with.

Don't forget to stop over at the Moxie Fab blog for a chance to win amazing prizes and to check out all the stunning cards being featured there all week. And come back here on Friday for a chance to win a VERY cool prize pack. See you then!!!