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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finding a home

Happy Thursday everyone!
I spent the last two days looking at homes in our soon to be new town. We looked at 20 some homes and none of them really jumped out at me. There are a couple that aren't bad it is just hard to find a replacement when you love the home you live in so much.

It was a 3 1/2 hour drive to get there and that gave me a lot of time to think, as you can imagine. DH and I have been working in Sunday school for the last several months and we try to go for 2 hours on Sunday mornings so that we are not missing the service but it doesn't always work that way. So I downloaded a few of the sermons I have missed to my iPad. Our minister, Tom is amazing and if your looking for some inspiration I highly recommend that you listen to a few of his sermons. You can find them here.
It just happened that the sermon Tom was preaching on was Thankfulness. As a family we talk about the things we are thankful for often, but I don't know if I express it enough to others. I have really been trying to look at the positives of this move but when I am talking to others I am not expressing that.
1. I am thankful that DH still has a job. His company may have asked us to move, but he still has a job.
2. I am thankful that we have the means to find another beautiful house even if it will be in a different neighborhood, with different neighbors.
3. I am thankful that we have had the experience of belonging to an amazing church.
4. I am thankful that we have made some incredible friends. Friends that I wouldn't give up for for anything.
5. I am thankful for the opportunity to stay home and support by children by helping out at their school.
I know God has got great plans for us in our new home and I am prepared for the challenge.
I can't leave without sharing some little bit of creativity. I was in charge of creating the sketch for Emma's Paperie last month. Here is the sketch I created.
And here is the card I created based on this sketch.
You can find all the supplies as well as the other designer's amazing projects on the Emma's Paperie Blog.
Make sure you check out the Creative Charms page on Facebook too. They are giving away free product. You don't want to miss this!
Well, the house goes on the market one week from today. Suppose I should get cleaning. Thanks for stopping by. I can never express how thankful I am for all of you. Have a wonderful day!!!


Connie Mercer said...

love the sketch and your example is beautiful!!! Love the bird!!

Murphy's Law said...

love the sketch and card. good luck with the house hunt. moving is hard to do sometimes.

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

good luck with the move Lisa! love the card!

Audrey Pettit said...

Hey Lisa! I have to tell you how much I admire your courage and strength towards your upcoming move. I know it will be difficult, but you have an amazing attitude, and I do believe that only good things will happen for your family.
Love the sketch you created and the adorable card, too. That bird is so sweet.

Sarah Mullanix said...

Good luck with your house hunt. To what city are you being transferred?

Renee Lamb said...

What a beautiful card Lisa! And good luck with your move. It's hard to move away from great friends and familiarity. I will pray y'all find a new home that you can build new happy memories in!

Anonymous said...

Perfect sketch Lisa!!! And Im sending you great thoughts for finding the perfect home!! You have a wonderful outlook because I know moving is hard and you WILL make it sweetie!!! HUGS!! Char

Keshet said...

That is a tough challenge--I hate moving and like to get rooted in one place, so I can only image how hard it must be! I hope you find a wonderful home soon, though, and wonderful friends in your new town:)