I hope everyone enjoyed their Father's Day weekend! Our week was a mix of hard work, family time and a bitter sweet good-bye (don't worry-nothing permanent!). Saturday we spent the day moving stinky mulch into all of our new gorgeous flower beds. I am so excited about the future of these beds but it may be a long time until we can afford to fill them with the trees and shrubs that are in the plans. There is a large bed at the front of our yard that we hope to fill some time this summer, the others will have to wait a while.
Sunday we went to visit DH's family in Illinois. We had a wonderful lunch and then took the kids over to a small spray park in my brother-in-laws' neighborhood. My sweet, mischievious L got her uncle quite wet. LOL My 2 year old niece was so adorable. It was fun just watching her run through the sprayers.
When we left Illinois the car was much quieter and lonelier than it had been on the way their. My two sweet girls are staying with Grandma and Grandpa this week. DH will be back over there for work at the end of the week so my girls got to stay for the week. Every summer since we moved back to the midwest (we lived in Texas for quite a few years) they have spent some time during the summer with my in-laws. I know they are having a great time but I do miss them terribly. Leaving my in-laws was harder than you would think. I was excited about the free time I would have and making all the plans of the things I would get done. It was so hard though seeing my girls standing there waving good-bye to me.
Yesterday I took advantage of my free time and drove back to Indianapolis to spend the day with my friend Mary. What a wonderful day, I always have such a wonderful time with her. We saw the movie The Proposal. What a cute movie, made me laugh a ton! We did some shopping and I got a few clothes for the girls, some books for their birthdays, and a great t-shirt for me from Ann Taylor Loft. After I got back last night DH and I went out for dinner and drinks. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed a beautiful night. All in all, it was a good way to start my week without the girls. Today has been a little harder though. The house is just so quiet. I may have to turn up my music and make some noise. :)
One more bit of family news, I found out this weekend that my little brother is going to be coming to visit next month. I am very excited. He is in the army and I don't get a chance to see him enough.
As a reward for making it through my long winded account of my weekend I thought I would share a couple of projects with you. The first is a card I did for
Emma's Paperie. Since I started designing for Emma's I have become a big fan of
My Mind's Eye. I love all of their great accents. They are so reasonable and absolutely adorable. I find myself using their papers over and over too. The tag on this card was no exception.
Make sure to check out Emma's
blog to see the other amazing summer projects everyone has posted.
I also created another birthday card this weekend. Pretty easy to make actually. Simply used my circle cutter to make the base of the card. I hand cut the scalloped edge around the card and hand cut the cake as well. I used a bit of embroidery floss to add some stitching around the edge of the card.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate the sweet people that take a time in their day to check my blog. You are all fabulous. I hope the rest of your week is peaceful and filled with love.